Walk against Impunity
in the media
Please contact us if you can add articles or audio about the Walk against Impunity
09 October 2015, prior to the Walk
Radio Comunidade Lorico Lian, Farol
Alvir Oliveira and Celicia Pereira presented a talkshow with Francis about the value of free media, freedom of expression, the Timorese victims of the occupation and the killing of journalists. They also discussed the present situation in Maluku and West Papua, comparing this with the history of Timor-Leste to emphasize the importance to call and end to impunity.
11 October 2015, first day of the Walk
TVTL News and other local media
Several media including TVTL were present as the walkers gathered at the Sander Thoenes Monument in Becora. TVTL also filmed the speeches that Sisto and Francis gave at Santa Cruz. The footage was presented in the evening news.
12 October 2015, second day of the Walk
Dili-based LUSA journalist Antonio Sampaio called Francis, when the walking team was about to leave Batugade
RTP published the LUSA-report
Holandes caminha de Dili a Balibo para lembrar 40 anos da morte de journalistas
Diario de Noticia published the LUSA-report
Article, with photo of the 1999 conflict
13 October 2015, third day of the Walk
Timor Agora published the LUSA-report in Tetum
Olandes la'o hosi Dili ba Balibo hodi lembra tinan 40 jurnalista sira mate
14 October 2015, fourth day of the Walk
Senator Nick Xenophon
Independent Senator for South Australia Nick Xenophon mentions and quotes the Walk against Impunity in his speech on the 40th anniversary of the Balibo Five murders. He also referres to Roger East, Sander Thoenes and Agus Muliawan.
Watch Nick Xenophon's speech on YouTube (Walk at 07.50 min)
Australian ABC National Radio
In Batugade, the walking team received a phonecall from the ABC National Radio. Sisto and Francis gave an interview. They were told that the broadcast would take place on the 16th. Sadly, we didn't know what time the broadcast would be, neither do we have a link to the audio. Hopefully we can add this at a later stage...
16 October 2015, Balibo Five Memorial Day
Australian Associated Press (AAP)
In Balibo: Gabrielle Dunlevy of the AAP, the same news agency Roger East worked for, had an interview with Sisto and Francis about the widespread impact of impunity. Francis also gave her the Maluku Timeline, visualizing colonial history and present oppression in the Maluku region.
17 October 2015
AAP Report published in Australia and New Zealand
The Australian - Daily Telegraph - SBS News - Cairns Post - Perth Now - NT News - Weekly Times - NZ City - and many more...
19 October 2015
Televisao Educasao Timor Leste (TVE-TL)
Dili: A spontaneous interview with the national education TV channel TVE-TL, just outside a cultural festival the walking team was attending.
21 October 2015
Radio Timor Leste (RTL)
On his last night in Timor-Leste, Francis gave an interview to the national broadcaster Radio Timor Leste.
Radio Comunidade Lorico Lian
At the gate of Santa Cruz Cemetery
Senator Nick Xenophon
Danielle Dunlevy (AAP) interviews Francis and Sisto at the Flag House
Interview with TVE-TL
Interview with Radio Timor Leste