Day 1

Day 1

11 October 2015

Becora - Santa Cruz - Liquica


Start: Sander Thoenes Monument

Walkers, cyclists and sympathizers gathered at the Sander Thoenes Monument in Becora around 07.00 AM. Here, they had a moment of silence for Dutch journalist Sander Thoenes, who was killed by Indonesian military in September 1999.

At 08.00 AM, the crowd walked to Santa Cruz, followed by the cyclists.

Read about Sander Thoenes (pdf)

Watch Step Vaessen's documentary Trail of murder - Indonesia's bloody retreat


Santa Cruz Cemetery

On arrival at the Santa Cruz Cemetery, more people joined the walkers. Inside the cemetery, Sisto facilitated a moment of reflection for the victims of the November 1991 massacre. Francis also gave a speech, which was recorded by the media and later broadcast on national TV.

Outside the cemetery, walkers, cyclists and sympathizers posed with the flags of Timor-Leste, Maluku and West Papua, to emphasize their call to end impunity.

Read about the Santa Cruz Massacre (pdf)

Watch explicit footage of 12 November 1991


Solidarity messages through email and on our Facebook-blog:

Shirley Shackleton:
"I wish all those who walk against impunity the very best. I should be walking with you. My thanks go with this message."

Joana Ruas:
"Si estivesse em Timor-Leste iria neste caminhada em prol da Justica contra a impunidade. Abracos."

Peter Cronau:
"Congratulations on your initiative to remember these journalists who died for Timor-Leste - including the Balibo Five and Roger East, as well as Sander Thoenes and Agus Muliawan. They cannot rest in peace until the killers are brought to justice."


Next stop: Liquica

After paying their respect to Sander Thoenes and the victims of the Santa Cruz Massacre, seven walkers and seven cyclists headed for Liquica, today's destination, 26 km from Dili. The cyclists rode ahead, waiting at times for the walkers to catch up.

Late afternoon, walkers and cyclists re-grouped at Liquica and decided to spend the night camping on the beach.

But first, they visited the church where about 200 people were killed in April 1999.




The Liquica Chruch massacre was an atrocity that occured in April 1999, four months before the Referendum. About 200 Timorese men, women and children were murdered at the local Catholic Church, by pro-Indonesia militia (mainly Besi Merah Putih), and Indonesian soldiers and police. There were many witnesses, including the priest Raphael dos Santos. The total number of victims has yet to be fully determined. Indonesia claims 60, but local sources state more than 200.


Walk against Impunity

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